Ramadan Bazaar 2016 - What to look out for! ✨
4:48 amAssalamualaikum guys! 🙏
It's the month of fasting and also time for you guys to pay a visit to the ramadan bazaar @ Geylang Serai. It runs for a month till 5th july and trading hours starts at 5pm till late.
This year's our first time visiting the bazaar after seeing so many mouth-watering, interesting food on social media. For those who are driving, there's plenty of lots but be sure to go earlier to secure one. Reminder: bring along sufficient parking coupons. For those taking public transport, nearest mrt is Payar Lebar station. Walk towards One Km mall & follow the crowd.
Here's what to expect:
1. The good old Ramly Burger 🍔 ($3.50)
There are quite a few stalls around the whole bazaar, you know, just in case you need another serving.
2. Kebab (1 for $4, 3 for $10)
My fav! You can never go wrong with chicken kebab hehe.
I don't know about you guys but i ♥♥♥ turkish ice cream, who's with me? The only permanent place that's selling it is the one in Clarke Quay & is a total ripoff! Once they tried to sell me normal vanilla ice cream for the same price, like wth?? Okay i digress, the one at ramadan bazaar is going for just $3 a cone, 2 for $5! 🎉
The stall i bought from was the cheapest. At $4.50, you get 2 scoops of ice cream with 3 toppings & a cup of coconut water.
5. Momolato Ice cream ($4.90)
The watermelon kiwi one looks so delicious but a tad too pricey. They have 2 stalls, only one has soft serve i think. The one along the same row as the watermelon volcano.
Seriously guys, this is just a marketing gimmick. But if you are willing to fall for it, they are located along Hiag road. A few stalls side by side.
7. Ice cream with cotton candy ($4.90)
You guys can try hunting this down cause we couldn't locate it. But a review online said to eat it fast to avoid a mess. EDIT: Momolato has the soft serve version of this!
Interesting, novelty dessert I must say. The spiciness actually comes from the korean spicy sauce that they drizzle on the yoghurt, if you're wondering. But it didn't really appeal to us so yup, you guys try and tell me how's it.
9. Macaron ice cream ($4)
This is definitely for all who have a sweet tooth out there. We were too full to try it but it sure looks good!😋
10. Overdose drinks ($5)
Choose from flavours like chocolate, green tea, hazelnut & cappuccino. A pity the queue was very long so we gave it a miss, sobs. I want my green tea 😫
You can't miss this, a definite must-try! 👍🏻 It's just directly at the foot of the overhead bridge
Look at the Q! Forever super long so be prepared to wait for at least 10 mins.
Well, at least it's worth the wait! Makes you feel so refreshed while drinking it since it's so humid there. Could have been more shiok if it was seedless watermelon.
13. Churros ($4 - $6)
Backalley churros
Locoloco churros

But honestly, I dont get the hype about churros 😒 It's just dough yknow, I can make it myself haha!
14. Fried oreos ($3/$3.50)
A "heaty" yummy snack, not for people like us. $3 for the basic icing or $3.50 for chocolate sauce.
15. Croatian Nutella balls by Everything with Nutella ($4.50)
Nutella fans take note!
16. Dutch pancakes
Dutch pancakes for you? Bonus: made by this hot ang mo haha!
17. Dendeng (Halal BBQ meat)
I didn't know this existed haha! Always thought only have chinese bagua 😅 So same theory, sold by weight. Comes in beef (original/black pepper) & chicken.
18. Smores dip by Happy rollies ($2.50)
Looks sooo good but yet so sinful!
19. Rainbow Paddlepop pudding drink ($5)
2 flavours to choose from: paddlepop or strawberry chocolate
Take my money!!! Hahaha, couldn't resist this colourful drink & so glad it didn't disappoint 👍🏼 Totally worth my $5. Best way to drink it according to the stall owner: take a video 😆 Oh and different colors have different taste! Beware tho, there's another stall just beside this selling the same thing but in a plastic rectangular bottle for $4. Im guessing it's the same thing, just different packaging. But i'm a sucker for glass bottles so, ya 😅
20. WORD rainbow bagel ($8) & Soda ($3.50)
This is what everyone comes to the bazaar for right? Colourful bagel with marshmallow filling, toasted 😍 But uh, I couldn't bear to pay $8 for this haha 💰 What to do, just feast my eyes on them lor 😂
Initially i thought it was alcohol, look like right! But then, i reminded my brain that it's a halal bazaar. Didn't try it but would buy it if i go again, just for the bottle ahahaha (me & my glass bottle obsession 🙊 )
After all these sinful eating. you've got to walk around to burn those calories! Stop looking at food and explore the other parts of the bazaar.
21. Henna ($5)
Why not get a henna? There are a few stalls around but this nicely decorated stall seems to attract more customers + they are along the road so easier to spot.
22. Game stall ($4/game)
23. Everything else
Walked past this pop-up store and went in for the aircon hahahaha! Anws, it's a collaboration of 3 shops - a barber, clothing shop (sixth empire i think) & a men's grooming shop.
Kong bought a shaver set for $15.90
Just some other stuff we saw along the way:
That's about it for ramadan bazaar 2016. Happy ramadan to all my muslim friends! ✨
p.s i give up on alignment. Blogger is just so buggy i cant even