Tiger Beer Brewery Tour 🐯 🍻
3:05 am
So if you didn't already know, there is a Tiger Brewery Tour in Sg. It is a 30-45 minute tour showing people around the brewery, mainly the visitor center, brew house and packaging gallery, ending off with a 45 minute (free flow) beer tasting session at the (my-fav-place-of-the-tour) Tiger Tavern 😆
We starting out watching a video of angmohs blabbering and how tiger beer got its name. Honestly it was quite boring.
Then our attention was drawn to the shelf full of Tiger beer's past designs which were quite cool.
"Any questions?"
"Yes, what's that can in the middle?"
"Hang on..." *runs to ask colleague*
Turns out it was the 1000th can made thus the special design, how cute.
Variety of beer that Asia Pacific Brewery produces:
Variety of beer that Asia Pacific Brewery produces:
Next up, we were introduced to the 4 main ingredients used in Tiger beer.
Shortly after, we were led up a flight of stairs & told that no photography & videography allowed in the brew house. Walking in, we could smell the sweet scent of malt and were greeted by huge brewery tanks. A pity we didn't even get to go near one or take a peek inside it.
By right we were supposed to be given a sample of the malt solution to have a taste of what's it's like before hops were added but they ran out of it there. However, our friendly guide assured us that she would let us try it at the Tiger Tavern. The brew house seemed awfully empty and our guide explained that no one's inside here as it is fully automated.
Moving on, photo taking session! It was drizzling but we braved the rain to get a shot.
I don't want to spoil it for you guys so I'll just say that the entrance to the packaging gallery was a surprise. Like I really didn't expect it to be where it is. 😳 Anws, we were then showed another short video which was the packaging process of Tiger cans and bottles.
Now, it's time for the hands-on part of the tour. We got to dispense our own beer into a pint and shave off the extra foam. Did you know that 2cm is the ideal amount of foam above a beer? Neither did we.
Anws, there were enough empty pints for all 4 of us so we all had a go at it yay 😁 I was the first who raised my hand cause...kiasu hahahha dont judge! ☝🏼 After successfully filling your pint, you get to drink it! Actually we are not fans of Tiger, only Radler so we could barely finish our drink.
Earlier on..
"What if I just want to try dispensing it but don't want to drink?"
"Erm, you can try topping up her one. Aiyah nvm la, you just fill a new one. Beer is abundant here anyway haha" 😎 #likeaboss
Don't forget to challenge each other at the bottle line game! Up to 6 players at once.
And finally, highlight of the tour - Tiger Tavern!

They serve you in small glasses like this but don't underestimate it's size. After a few cups you'll feel full since there's no ice in it. First up we had our fav Radler & tried the mandarin orange version. It was like fizzy orange juice haha.
Don't forget to make use of your token for a full pint of either Tiger (original) or Heineken. Call it wasted or wtv but we gave it a pass since we disliked both.
Hello Mr, camera's here, where you looking at!
Oh ya, there was dartboard too and we were allowed to play it. Only 2 darts though, 3rd one stuck on the ceiling.
Kong was winning me...Triple 20 🎯 vs zero from me 😅 But not for long!
Someone suddenly got a zero! Yknw why? Because he was distracted by...
THIS!!! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 (It was hanging on the adjacent wall)
Men...😒 😒 😒
Anws, this is the malt solution that we got to try. We also sampled unfiltered Tiger beer, which was very very strong in taste. Our guide told us not to drink so much as it's unhealthy.

What a scary tiger drawn by Picasso Lee 😜

You guys can check this 2 labs out if you're going. It was closed by the time our tour ended.
And finally, highlight of the tour - Tiger Tavern!
Free flow beer starts now! 🍺🍺 These are the variety of free beers you can choose from.
You can also choose to top up for international beers under APB such as these below:
We took this opportunity to try those "uncle" beers haha like Anchor smooth & ABC. The latter suckssss, I don't even know why people like it. 😖 Don't forget to make use of your token for a full pint of either Tiger (original) or Heineken. Call it wasted or wtv but we gave it a pass since we disliked both.
Hello Mr, camera's here, where you looking at!
Oh ya, there was dartboard too and we were allowed to play it. Only 2 darts though, 3rd one stuck on the ceiling.
Kong was winning me...Triple 20 🎯 vs zero from me 😅 But not for long!
Someone suddenly got a zero! Yknw why? Because he was distracted by...
THIS!!! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 (It was hanging on the adjacent wall)
Men...😒 😒 😒
Tiger merchandise at the Tiger Den.
Verdict: I would say the tour was...a little short of my expectations. It would have been better if they brought us into the actual packaging ground and show us how the cans & bottles are filled and sealed. I mean like no point going allll the way down to the brewery just to be shown diagrams & videos that do not add to our enjoyment. You must be either a beer lover (or someone with too much time), to get your ass to this ulu part of Sg 👉🏿 TUAS! But I must say that the Tiger tavern was worth a visit. So, if your main purpose of going for the tour is the free-flow beer, then I say go ahead! 🍺
Booking of the tours and other info can be found here.
P.s if you're driving, set your google maps to Archipelago brewery instead of Tiger brewery tour.
P.p.s You might want to book a time slot where there are lesser people (we had 4) so you get more attention and get to dispense the beer.
And if you're wondering, "is the Tiger Tavern open to public?"
Answer is NO but according to them "you can purchase the tour but skip the front part."
Happy drinking, cheers! 🍻 🍻 🍻