#15 Pick up a sport together
2:33 am
So we've been wanting to learn tennis for some time & this sem we finally did! Had to make some sacrifices since we wanted to take this elective tgt. Kong had to overload & we had to compromise on a day that we're free. Turns out friday night was the only choice. But oh well, it was worth it.
say hi to our humorous & awesome coach!
It was really a fun & enriching experience getting to pick up a new sport especially tgt with your significant other, where you can spur and encourage each other along the way. We could also practice our strokes tgt. A typical lesson would involve our coach teasing us occasionally since we're the only couple there, haha! Anws, im also glad for the friends we made through this elective (:
Here are the guys from our class:
& the girls:
here's a selfie by joel the pro haha!
No matter what sport or skill you guys decide to pick up, it's the process of learning tgt & encouraging each other that makes the journey worthwhile :D Remember not to take the sport too competitively else it defeats the fun.