#32 Zoom Park Asia
3:54 am
Hello guys, TGIF!
It's been quite awhile since I updated, I know. Have a lot of places to blog about but no time cause FYP :/
It's been quite awhile since I updated, I know. Have a lot of places to blog about but no time cause FYP :/
So anws, there is another trampoline park besides Amped called Zoom Park. We went there last december to celebrate kong's birthday.
Got these compulsory grip socks at the place for $2/pair. The sizing is very small as it caters for kids as well so I wore a size L and XL for kong.
Got these compulsory grip socks at the place for $2/pair. The sizing is very small as it caters for kids as well so I wore a size L and XL for kong.

We purchased 1.5 hours for $30 as it was a weekend. So how it works is that after your time is up, they will call you by your band colour to leave.
This was the main reason why I came haha cause it looked so fun!
You can choose to bounce off the tracks into the foam pit and literally swim towards the rock wall or enter via the left end of the wall. The difficulty increases from left to right. We tried to scale the one more towards the center but failed badly hahaha. I guess it was cause we didn't have a proper base to start off with, or maybe we were just too noob. Eh, but we managed the leftmost wall hehe but didn't have the balls to jump down from the top :X
Just me chilling while watching kong try in vain to climb up the wall
Sadly, the air bag section was closed as they were still developing it.
But, it is now opened! Looks so fun right, makes me wna go back.
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Tumble tracks for those who wants to practice their tumbling moves. Best thing about this area is that the staff will shoo away any kids that try to enter = tumbling in peace!
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I didn't see this when I was there so I guess it's a very new section. Looks fun but impossible haha!
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Slam dunk made me feel like a NBA pro hahaha! There were 3 varying heights for you to choose and we tried all. Had to queue for it though, because only 1 ball per lane.
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Overall, I felt that it was more fun than Amped due to the variety but kong still prefers Amped. His reason: too many kids. I think Zoom Park is more catered towards kids? cause they have a dodge-ball section just for kids. We entered and got chased out haha! There was indeed a lot of children so we had to watch where we were jumping and landing in case we knocked into them. Not sure if it was just the weekends or weekdays as well.
Pricing as follows:
You can find out more on their web here.
Lastly, do reach slightly earlier to sign the waiver form.
Lastly, do reach slightly earlier to sign the waiver form.
200 Pandan Gardens,
Singapore 609336
Tel: 6334-4615
200 Pandan Gardens,
Singapore 609336
Tel: 6334-4615