#10 Legoland (waterpark)
5:47 am
Hey guys, so we went to legoland's waterpark sometime back. It was quite a last minute and impromptu trip actually. Only planned & booked everything the day before. A short and good getaway for a week long break if you're deciding where to head to.
Here's us on the bus. Bought the bus tix online which costs us about $10 sgd each for a return trip if I remember correctly. More costly than taking a public bus in but we didnt have to transfer buses. The journey took about 30-45mins, which was also shorter.
We reached at about 11 plus? Got changed & took a selfie first before getting messy hair.

Dont know why the video quality is so poor after uploading :( But look at that boy splashing out of the slide! I think I was too light so I had to push myself out everytime. No fun!
There were official photographers around taking nice photos for you but Legoland being a tourist spot, you can expect the price of the photos so we gave it a miss. The lifeguard was nice enough to help us get this shot :)
Love this shoe rack they have at every station so I dont have to walk bare footed cause it makes my feet hurt, boo.
Sneaked into this private shelter thing that you had to rent. Got exposed & chased out eventually hahaha! Sorry, poor people no $ rent.
Got to build our own lego structure!
Notice the build-a-raft behind? It's their lazy river! It's really cool cause you get to stack lego blocks, that are floating around, onto your donut floats. They also had a couple float in a '8' shape. Just one bad thing is that their lazy river doesnt get you to other parts of the place. Only one exit which is also the entrance. Nevertheless, they have really pretty lego structures along the river!
Snack time! It rained awhile so we chilled under the shades. The food was (thankfully) affordable, yay!
Ending with an artistic shot at burger king outside the theme park.
On a side note:
-there's quite a few food chains outside the themepark which are quite cheap/affordable so you can have a meal before heading back
-Go on an off peak day (mon-thurs) to avoid the crowd (if there even is any actually).
-bring a underwater camera or a waterproof pouch for your phone to snap away
-apply generous amount of sun block
-pray it doesnt rain
-tickets can be purchased online or at the entrance itself
-dont bring big bags cause the locker rental is not cheap & not much space
It was really empty when we were there on a thurs. Managed to play all the slides without needing to queue more than 5 mins woohoo! We got bored around 3/4pm? So we regretted not buying combo tix if not we could head to the amusement park too. There were 1 or 2 really fun slides but the rest we just normal. Nothing that's comparable to the rocket ride in adventure cove though. We spent about sgd $80 each in total. Reasonable enough.